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Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

BBC Podcast "The Conversation" with Prof. Marta Manser as Guest

Prof. Marta Manser speaks at the BBC show "The Conversation" about meerkat vocalization, social structures, and group coordination.
"The Conversation" focuses on two women from different parts of the world, united by a common passion, experience or expertise, share the stories of their lives.

Datshiane Navanayagam speaks with Prof. Marta Manser at the BBC show "The Conversation" about meerkat vocalization, social structures, and group coordination. Along with Marta Manser, the host also spoke with Dr. Gloriana Chaverri, Associate Professor at the University of Costa Rica, who works on the mating systems and social organization of bats. They also discuss some aspects of their life as scientists, challenges within their field work, and the academic environment in general.

Click here to to see the podcast.
