Natural Selection also Increases the Adaptability of Organism
(03.12.2020), Prof. Dr. Andreas Wagner, Jia Zheng. UZH News
Wheat Diversity Due to Cross-Hybridization with Wild Grasses
(25.11.2020), Prof. Dr. Kentaro Shimizu. UZH News/a>
Host Genetic Factors Shape Composition of Virus Communities
(05.11.2020), Prof. Dr. Anna-Liisa Laine. UZH News
New Blooms from the Uri Alps
(22.10.2020), Prof. Dr. Kentaro Shimizu. UZH News
Evolution in Action: New Plant Species at Urnerboden
(06.10.2020), Dr. Rie Shimizu-Inatsugi. UZH News
Woodpeckers’ Drumming: Conserved Meaning Despite Different Structure over the Years
(01.10.2020), Dr. Maxime Garcia. UZH News
Wie Tiere zu Städtern werden (in German)
(01.10.2020), Prof. Dr. Florian Altermatt. SRF Einstein
Swiss Dinosaur Skeleton to Become Museum’s Latest Showpiece
(11.09.2020), Prof. Dr. Lukas Keller, Dr. Isabel Klusman. UZH News
Bernhard Schmid: GfÖ Honorary Medal 2020
(17.09.2020), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmid. Gesellschaft für Ökologie (in German)
(17.09.2020), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmid. The Jena Experiment
Bernhard Schmid: Eminent Ecologist 2020
(09.09.2020), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmid. British Ecological Society
New Guinea Has the World’s Richest Island Flora
(05.08.2020), Rodrigo Cámara-Leret. UZH News
Predicting the Biodiversity of Rivers
(17.07.2020), Prof. Dr. Florian Altermatt. UZH News
Bird Diversity in the Swiss Alps in Decline
(14.07.2020), Vicente García-Navas. UZH News
Tiger Vorfall im Zoo (in German)
(14.07.2020), Prof. Dr. Barbara König. SRF Der Club
Ein Tier ist keine Maschine (in German)
(07.07.2020), Prof. Dr. Barbara König. NZZ
Hitzewelle in Sibirien: Wissenschaftler sind alarmiert (in German)
(07.07.2020), Prof. Dr. Gabriela Schaepman-Strub. SRF Echo der Zeit
Hitzewelle in der Arktis: «Die Torfböden brennen» (in German)
(27.06.2020), Prof. Dr. Gabriela Schaepman-Strub. NZZ am Sonntag
Human Presence Weakens Social Relationships of Giraffes
(09.06.2020), Dr. Monica Bond. UZH News
Newly Identified Gene Reduces Pollen Number of Plants
(08.06.2020), Prof. Dr. Kentaro K. Shimizu. UZH News
Predators Help Prey Adapt to an Uncertain Future
(04.05.2020), Dr. Matthew Barbour. UZH News
À l’écoute de la Nature - L'énigme du cri silencieux (in French or German) Wenn die Natur aufhorchen lässt - Das Mysterium des lautlosen Schreis
(10.04.2020), Prof. Dr. Marta Manser. arte French arte German
Wenn die Lebensgrundlage verschwindet / Then we disappear
(09.03.2020), PD. Dr. Marcus Hall. UZH YouTube
Improved Functioning of Diverse Landscape Mosaics
(09.01.2020), Prof. Dr. Pascal A. Niklaus. UZH News