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Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

Full News Listing

  • 18/12/21 - recent Science video covers our Siberian crane study - thanks, Inga, for providing beautiful pictures!
  • 14/12/21 - New postdoc position available in our group on Arctic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning -  see details here (PDF, 413 KB)!
  • 14/12/21 - Get a glimpse through this short video into the interdisciplinary Arctic Century Expedition, where Vitalii and Gabriela participated!
  • 14/12/21 - it's already a while that Nils Rietze started as a new PhD student in our research group, working on land surface temperature to assess ecosystem functions in the heterogenous Arctic tundra. Welcome!
  • 17/09/21 - Vitalii and Gabriela are back from a once in a lifetime research trip to the high Arctic Russian islands. Check out the blog and the news report in SRF (in Italian)
  • 24/05/21 - Check out the latest reports on Arctic biodiversity officially released last week by the Arctic Council - in two of the reports our group has contributed State of Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Report and Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Arctic Mining.
  • 24/05/21 - Congratulations to Jin-Soo for his 2 co-authored papers on Tropical drivers of interannual vegetation variability in eastern Africa and Modulation of land photosynthesis by the Indian Ocean Dipole!
  • 01/05/21 - Gabriela has been elected as new Scientific Director of the Swiss Polar Institute, starting her new part-time position as of today!
  • 09/04/21 - Congratulations to Annabelle for the acceptance of her first PhD paper on mangrove forest change on Aldabra Atoll and it's relation to wave power!
  • 09/04/21 - Congratulations to Elena and Raleigh for the MethodsX paper describing our tundra precipitation experimental setup!
  • 09/04/21 - Interested to know more about vegetation-permafrost interaction? Have a look at the SRF Einstein TV show (in German) about permafrost!
  • 14/01/21 - Congratulations to Elena for her first PhD paper! Check out how leaf diversity contributes to light overyielding
  • 14/01/21 - Lunch event organized by Swiss Academies on the polar expedition MOSAIC - join in on 11 February (and train your German :-) SCIENCE after NOON - Arktis
  • 14/01/21 - Job opportunities in thermal remote sensing TRISHNA positions (PDF, 89 KB)
  • 19/10/20 - Congratulations to Maitane Iturrate-Garcia for our article on tundra shrub trait shifts as a response to permafrost thaw and fertilization!
  • 14/10/20 - Congratulations to Alizée Le Moigne for her paper on microbial communities and their functions in Siberian thermokarst ponds! Such a nice URPP GCB outcome!
  • 06/10/20 - Kick-off meeting of the EU-CHARTER project starting today. We are a project partner in this great opportunity to investigate drivers and feedbacks of changes in Arctic terrestrial biodiversity.
  • 05/10/20 - It was great to see so many at my inaugural lecture on the 'Green Arctic'! Thanks for celebrating with me my professorship. The lecture - in German - is now available online (Die Grüne Arktis - Video) for those who missed it ;-)
  • 08/09/20 - Annabelle featured in a spotlight on early career researchers of the West Indian Ocean Governance Exchange Network - congratulations!
  • 08/07/20 - Gabriela has been interviewed by NZZ am Sonntag and the national radio station SRF Echo der Zeit to discuss the current heat wave in the Siberian Arctic.
  • 15/06/20 - Gabriela got nominated as a teacher of the hour. Thanks very much to the students for the nomination!
  • 12/06/20 - Congratulations to Simone Stünzi for the acceptance of her first paper on Siberian forest fires!
  • 20/05/20 - Congratulations, Jin-Soo, for wining a highly competitive grant for a 'Post-Doctoral Overseas Training', National Research Foundation of Korea!
  • 14/05/20 - Another cool article in Nature Communications on Arctic warming mechanisms related to CO2 physiological forcing. Congrats, Jin-Soo!
  • 08/05/20 - Congratulations, Cengiz, for your MSc thesis defense! Was a real pleasure to see this final presentation!
  • 08/05/20 - Nice media coverage of Arctic Panel discussion during World Biodiversity Forum today in higgs, but also several regional newspapers Die Arktis wie wir sie heute kennen ist verloren.
  • 01/05/20 - Gabriela is the new chair of the Science and Technology Advisory board of the Swiss Polar Institute, supported by the new vice-chair Björn Dählbeck - looking forward to this new service!
  • 30/04/20 - Art and Science meet at the poles - Barbara Schibli and Gabriela got one out of 4 PolArts grants awarded and will work together on tundra soundscapes over the coming year
  • 22/04/20 - Congratulations to Jin-Soo for the acceptance of his paper on decadal ENSO-global carbon cycle relationships!
  • 01/04/20 - Welcome, Jin-Soo Kim, to our research group! Looking forward to develop new research and teaching with you!
  • 29/02/20 - The Arctic is greening with climate warming - it's not so straight forward! Our recent paper in Nature Climate Change discusses complexities in the greening of the Arctic.
  • 09/01/20 - Exciting times with two substantial papers out within just 2 days by our group members:

    1. Terrestrial land-cover type richness is positively linked to landscape-level functioning in Nature Communications and the related UZH press release - congratulations, Jacqueline!
    2. Relation of fires in Siberia with preceding Arctic Oscillation patterns in Science Advances - congratulations, Jin-Soo!

  • 09/12/19 - Enjoy a short movie about the Siberian tundra by our MSc student Cengiz Akandil, screened at the Science Film Festival in November. Very well done, Cengiz and great music by your band!
  • 12/09/19 - A warm welcome to Vitalii Zemlianskii, our new PhD student who is working on plant species distribution in the Russian Arctic, combining legacy relevée data and species distribution modelling!
  • Excited to start a new BSc course in collaboration with Prof. Maria Santos - an introduction to Earth System Science, ESS101!
  • 01/09/19 -  Julia's paper on the effect of the latest El Nino on the coral reef benthos cover of Aldabra Atoll is accepted! Congratulations to Julia and big thanks to all co-authors!
  • 20/08/19 - Big congrats to Annabelle for her WIOMSA award! Contributes towards unprecedented data on sea level and salinity on Aldabra - but still much work and thinking ahead for installation of sensors!
  • 20/08/19 - Our  tortoise habitat use study, including a high-resolution habitat map for Aldabra, is finally out! Check it out!
  • 20/08/19 - Proceedings of the Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA) workshop in Arkhangelsk are published by CAFF - they demonstrate progress made in archiving Arctic plot data!
  • 22/07/19 - Congratulations to Annabelle for her award for best poster of the day (Friday) during the Island Biology conference 2019!
  • 01/04/19 - Gabriela is starting her professorship in Earth System Sciences today!
  • 19/03/19 - Congratulations, Elena Plekhanova, for your IASC travel award to the Arctic Science Summit Weekin Arkhangelsk, May 2019!
  • 05/03/19 - Happy to announce my appointment as professor in Earth System Science at UZH, starting 1 April 2019! Looking forward to lots of continued and new interactions and collaborations with students and colleagues at UZH, in Switzerland, and internationally!
  • 20/02/19 - Congratulations to Annabelle Constance for her best poster award at Biology'19!
  • 04/02/19 - Welcome to Jacqueline Oehri, starting her postdoc today with us!
  • 01/18/19 - Welcome to Cengiz Akandil, looking forward to supervise you on your MSc thesis on Arctic land surface changes!
  • 02/12/18 - Welcome to our research group, Raleigh Grysko!
  • 26/11/18 - Congratulations to Stas for the paper on perception of biodiversity changes in Arctic Yakutia by indigenous people!
  • 24/10/18 - Follow the live stream of the Science Forum, 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial tomorrow, 25/10/18! Theme is the co-operation in Arctic Science!
  • 24/10/18 - Gabriela participated in the Arctic Biodiversity Congress of the Arctic Council - a true Science-Policy experience, high-level and highly interesting discussions on the co-production of knowledge by indigenous people and scientists! Check out the congress summary! All presentations will also be available soon.
  • 27/09/18 - Check out our contribution to a Nature article - plant height in the tundra has increased with temperature, but other traits are co-limited by soil moisture  Nature article UZH Science news
  • 24/09/18 - Welcome to our two new group members - Raleigh Grysko will start his PhD on 1 Dec, Jacqueline Oehri a postdoc on 1 Feb!
  • 26/07/18 - Our Science Advances article on the accelerating carbon cycle in the Arctic is out here
  • 26/07/18 - Field work season in Kytalyk coming to an end - a windy and cold campaign this year, but successful. Thanks to all students for a great and productive time out there! Pictures to follow soon.
  • 03/05/18 - Gabriela will travel to Greenland to explore collaboration opportunities with the planned Science Hub. UZH news article
  • 21/03/18 - Gabriela is now a member of the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) working group, representing Switzerland as an observer of the Arctic Council.
  • 26/01/18 - Gabriela is now an Editorial Advisor of the Board of Polar Record.
  • 10/01/18 - Our article on the fishing resources in the Yakutian Arctic is listed as Polar Record Editor's pick
  • 08/01/18 - Stas Ksenofontov has received an  IASC fellowship 2018. He was one out of only 5 recipients from 135 applicants! Congratulations, Stas!
  • Gabriela received an award by the parliament of the Republic of Sacha (Yakutia) for her contributions to climate and biodiversity research!
  • Coverage of Beat Glogger's talk show with Gabriela now online and printed in many regional newspapers in Switzerland
  • Visit our blog on the field work during summer 2013 in Siberia!