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The Canon printers we use at IEU require special printer drivers, mostly because of accounting options. Since the installation of Canon's proprietary drivers is non-standard, this page describes the steps that I use. They refer to Debian-based systems, but should also work on systems with a different package manager (e.g. rpm). Of course you then need to adapt the respective steps.
sudo dpkg -i CQue_v3.0.5_Linux_64_EN.deb
sudo apt-get install libxm4
Now it is time to configure the printer queues. Creating a printer queue requires to run the 'cque' configuration utility as root. The settings can later be changed through CUPS, using a browser.
cd /opt/cel/bin
sudo ./cque
For the same printer, I like to configure different queues with different options. For example, I have a queue that has the 'staple' option enabled, and another one without. This way I do not have to (de)select this option every time I print. The same can be done for gray-scale and color printing.