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Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies



The 1.5-year program (3 terms) is structured as follows: In the first and second term the basic interdisciplinary knowledge will be obtained. In the second and third term the Master's thesis will be carried out in one of the research groups of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies. During the first term the student develops and presents a personal research plan for the thesis project.

A total of 90 credit points is required for the MSc in Quantitative Environmental Sciences. 30 ECTS Credits are obtained for the courses and 60 ECTS Credits for the thesis work. The courses are grouped into modules UWW 220 - UWW 290. All modules are assessed according to ECTS-standards. One credit point equals 30 hours of effective work.

All courses in the Specialised Master's Study Program in Quantitative Environmental Sciences are organised and offered by the Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies of the University of Zurich. The thesis project must be supervised by a research group leader of the Institute but may physically be carried out at an external institution.

The courses consist of lectures, seminars, exercises, and project-oriented assignments. A mixture of assessment modes will be used, e.g. written and oral examinations, term papers, and field-exercises.