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Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Umweltwissenschaften

SNSF Starting Grant

Call to identify and support selected candidates

The Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (DEBES) at the Faculty of Science, University of Zurich, is pleased to support candidates seeking grants to lead an independent research project and team, equivalent to the level of an assistant professorship.

DEBES recognizes the value of such grants for early-career researchers and the significant role the department can play in providing support during both the grant-writing process and as a hosting institution. We aim to identify and assist selected candidates early in the grant preparation stage.

Applicants should have an outstanding track record, a desire to develop an independent research group within the department, and research interests that promote both inter- and intra-departmental collaborations. DEBES is particularly interested in candidates whose proposed research aligns with the department’s identified research focus, and yet complements it.

Furthermore, DEBES strongly encourages applicants who would contribute to the diversity of the professorial staff in the Department to apply.

More details about the SNSF Starting Grant: here   

Interested applicants:

  1. Should check their eligibility for the respective grant (see above)
  2. If eligible, please submit the following as a single PDF:
  • A motivation letter summarizing the proposed research, explaining your reasons for choosing DEBES as the hosting institution, and outlining how the proposed research aligns with and complements DEBES' existing research focus.
  • A two-page CV highlighting three major contributions and briefly justifying the choice.

Potential candidates for the SNSF Starting Grant (deadline: January 15, 2025) should submit their application package to Dr. Aynur Erdogan  by October 22, 2024.

We plan to organize a symposium in Zurich on November 11, 2024.