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Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Umweltwissenschaften


The department has seven (7) vehicles available to all IEU staff members (all are parked on level D). Trips outside of Switzerland must be approved prior to taking them (insurance related restrictions). Reservations are commonly based on: "first come - first serve".

We prioritise requests as follows:

  1. teaching,
  2. field work,
  3. transporting goods,
  4. retreats,
  5. (possible) rentals to members of other institutes / departments (contact us well in advance to check availability:

Before reserving a vehicle, a driver must have written authorisation of professor/team leader and submit proof of a valid driving licence for Switzerland, see Required paper work for (first time) users.
We do not authorise potential, future drivers without specific details as to which date/vehicle they have been authorised for. Trips must be approved prior to start and the vehicle must be signed out by the actual driver.

Repeat users

After the approval has been given, a reservation for an IEU vehicle can be submitted to


If the assigned vehicle has obvious defects, dents. scratches etc. or it is very dirty, you must document this and inform us before driving off.

From the time that you leave the university area, we will hold the last driver responsible for all damages that have occurred or additionally required (clean up) work. This can get expensive since we have to outsource it!

We simply do not have the time nor the people power to check every vehicle before and after.


Vehicle reservations can be cancelled until the reserved date. Please call us or write an email to:
No shows will be charged in full.

Traffic fines

If your licence has been revoked for a specific time period, you are not allowed to drive our vehicles during the suspension period.
In case of a traffic violation, you are responsible for the full amount. Be aware, that the fine will be sent to our office, we will pass it on to you ASAP.