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Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

Animal Behavior

  • Meerkats

    The Meerkat Cognition Project

    The Meerkat Cognition Project examines how social and ecological factors influence the cognitive abilities of meerkats.

  • Vulturine guineafowl

    Long-term study on collective behavior

    Vulturine guineafowl (Acryllium vulturinum) are the focus of a long-term study on collective behavior, and the drivers and consequences of living in a multilevel society.

Within the field of animal behaviour we are especially interested in the mechanisms that enhance and stabilise social interactions in mammals. We aim to understand the adaptive significance of social behaviour, as well as how interactions with conspecifics structure groups and populations. The knowledge gained from our behavioural ecology studies on threatened species is used to advise on their conservation. We use ethological, ecological, physiological and molecular genetic methods in our studies on wild populations and lab animals. Currently, we work on small rodents, bats, carnivores, and also domestic cats and dogs.


Research groups

Associated projects

Former research groups