February & July 2016. Lab excursion to Heuberge, GR and Brissago, TI.
10 December 2015. Prof. Dr. Kentaro Shimizu was selected for NISTEP Award (PDF in Japanese) (Award for nice step researchers) from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
20 November 2015. Science Channel by Japan Science and Technology Agency “Mystery of evolution studied by whole genome analysis” by Prof. Dr. Kentaro Shimizu, Dr. Reiko Akiyama, Dr. Masaomi Hatakeyama, 2015 (Caption in English, spoken in Japanese).
08 January 2015. Sophisticated system prevents self-fertilization in petunias (English), Ausgeklügeltes System verhindert bei Petunie die Selbstbefruchtung (German). Dr. Timothy Paape, Prof. Kentaro K. Shimizu
03 April 2014. Prof. Kentaro Shimizu became a Faculty of 1000 member in Developmental Biology.
20 January 2014. Prof. Kentaro Shimizu at the kick-off ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) and the Faculty of Science.
22 May 2013. Our genomic research on a tropical tree was highlighted in News Release of the University of Zurich.
Drought makes Borneo's trees flower at the same time (English), Trockenheit bringt Borneos Bäume gleichzeitig zum Blühen (German)
20 March 2012. A PhD student Masaki Kobayashi received "The Most Outstanding Poster Award of the Royal Society of London" at the Joint meeting of the 59th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan and the 5th EAFES international congress East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies.
31 March 2011. Prof. Dr. Kentaro Shimizu was awarded one of the eleven Young Investigator Awards 2011 of Human Frontier Science Program as the main PI.
07 July 2010. With Dr. Takashi Tsuchimatsu, for the first time a member from a Swiss University was awarded the Walter M. Fitch Award of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution
07 June 2010. Our research on plant memory in changing and fluctuating climates was highlighted in an UZH news release
18 April 2010. Our Nature paper on self-fertilization in response to climate change was highlighted in an UZH news release.